
Pastoral activities in Saint Rita's chapel in Fontenay-aux-Roses near Paris

The purpose of Saint Rita’s Chapel in Fontenay-aux-Roses near Paris is to contribute to the spiritual formation of the Catholics to facilitate the growth of  » the inner being  » and a better knowledge of Christ by following saint Rita of Cascia’ track.

All the activities at Saint Rita’s Chapel aim at facilitating the development of Christian life

Activities under the responsibility of the rector of the Chapel

Session of personal prayer using God's Word: formation and setting up

◘Where? In the chapel
◘When? Personal demand and meeting with the guiding priest.

◘Why? To Learn how to pray with God's Word according to the teaching of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Weekend of spiritual enrichment : Spiritual Exercises in silence

◘When? During a weekend

November 27-29th, 2009
February 5-7th, 2010
March 5-7th, 2010
March 21th, 2010
April 23-25th, 2010
August 22-28th, 2010 (Spiritual Exercices of S. Ignatius)

Spiritual Exercises of S. Ignace ( 6 days)

When? August 22th to 28th, 2010
Why? Facilitate a better intimacy with Christ and revize ones life in the light of the Holy Spirit
Information and Registration: 01 41 13 36 00

Eucharistic Worship

◘Where? Saint Rita’s Chapel
◘When? Every day from Monday to Friday from 6 to 7pm including the celebration of the chanted vespers.

Reserve now

Alpha Courses

(contact the rector of Saint Rita’s Chapel to know about the sessions.)
Where? Parish hall of St-Pierre-St-Paul of Fontenay-aux-Roses
7, rue Capitaine Paoli
When? Every Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm
More Information:

Group of study of the Encyclical of Benoît XVI: " Caritas in veritate"

Where? Under the Saint Rita’s Chapel
When? Every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 8:30 to 10 pm. starting on October 11th
Why? To deepen the understanding of papal documents of Benedict XVI


Where? Saint Rita’s Chapel
When? Every day at 4:55 pm