Mission ISMERIE for our Muslim brothers
The oblates and faithful of our shrine know that Christians of Islamic origin urgently need to be inserted into the Christian communities to which they can belong, such as parishes and shrines, before or after baptism. Because of their personal conversion, they sometimes find themselves without family and friends, isolated and misunderstood, because apostasy has a price to pay, punishable even by death. Clearly, they are looking for places of positive insertion where they will feel “known and recognized” by their peers in the Christian faith. This is vital for them, essential for us.
On the one hand, it’s important to understand with them the notion of religious freedom, through a more intellectual approach, and on the other hand to support them when they temporarily find themselves in complicated situations, which a discreet reception network can solve for as long as necessary.
Let’s not forget that the openness to transcendence among the majority of Muslims (and neophytes) offers a space for questioning that is a real opportunity for the proclamation of Christ.
Jean-Paul II Group
The aim is to create regular opportunities for native Christians and new converts from Islam to meet, in order to better understand their reality and better integrate them into the Church.

Mr Sylvain NAVARRO
Mr Pascal LEGRIS
All you have to do is enter your contact details on a special sheet, along with the book you wish to borrow for 21 days.
1 time/month
Sunday evenings,
from 5:30 p.m.
Relais "Angelus" de Mission ISMERIE
Ismérie was the daughter of the sultan in Cairo at the end of the 11th century. Three Frankish knights had been taken prisoner and ordered to convert to Islam. Faced with their persistent refusal, the sultan sent his daughter to seduce them. The knights told her about the Virgin Mary, who appeared to Ismérie during the night. Converted to Christianity, she fled with the knights to France, where she became the founder of the shrine of Notre-Dame de Liesse, near Laon.
to be specified
The aim is to proclaim the Word to Muslims, bringing about a conversion of Islam to Christ, and to accompany converts in the Church. It is therefore urgent to foster a culture of mutual encounter based on respect and sincerity.
For Christ, “for He desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4). So we cultivate a discipleship-missionary approach: friendly dialogue and unconditional love for everyone, whatever their culture or spiritual tradition. We wish to act with humility on the path of universal brotherhood, because every Christian has the responsibility to bear witness, without forgetting that he himself remains… “in conversion”. For our brothers and sisters in search of meaning: those who have questions about the faith, those who haven’t yet heard the Good News and don’t know Jesus, those who come from non-Christian backgrounds but have already mysteriously “met” him, those who are asking to join the Church and wish to journey towards baptism…
While remaining aware that the terrain is sometimes sensitive, and being attentive to wounded bodies, fragile souls and situations of vulnerability.
For all the sick, suffering and enslaved of the 21st century. Because Jesus is truly present, and continues to heal bodies, free souls and deliver spirits. Because He is truly alive and ready to save anyone who has faith in Him: “Go! Make disciples of all nations: baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28, 19-20)
To serve the Church and the Common Good, first and foremost by making known the witness of joy, love and peace of converts. Like that of Myriam: “Jesus came looking for me. He gave me his Life, and everything changed in mine! Secondly, to serve by putting our experience and skills to good use, in particular to improve the welcome within the ecclesial community of those who, like us, have a life path linked to Muslim circles.
Finally, to serve by participating in diocesan pastoral projects, local parish activities, the life of religious communities, and lay initiatives supported by the French Bishops’ Conference.
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