News and articles


Epiphany Saturday

FAUSTE DE RIEZ’S EPIPHANY SERMON Water turned into wine: the mystery of the transition from the Old Covenant to the New On the third day, there was a wedding. What

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Epiphany Friday

EPIPHANY SERMON BY SAINT MAXIME OF TURIN The mysteries of the Lord’s baptism The Gospel reports that the Lord went to the Jordan to be baptized, and that he wanted

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Epiphany Thursday

COMMENTARY BY SAINT CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA ON THE GOSPEL OF JOHN It was for us that Christ received the Holy Spirit at Baptism. The Creator of the universe had decided

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Epiphany Wednesday

SERMON BY SAINT PROCLUS OF CONSTANTINOPLE FOR THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST “Light of light, O Christ, you have appeared today”… Christ manifested himself to the world, restoring it to chaos

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Epiphany Tuesday

4th century homily for epiphany Water and Spirit Jesus came to John and was baptized by him in the Jordan. What incredible wonderful events! The boundless river that delights the

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Epiphany Monday

SERMON BY SAINT PIERRE CHRYSOLOGUE FOR EPIPHANY Epiphany reveals God in man The Mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord itself brings with it ever-recognizable marks of the Divinity. However,

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Mass of the Night, at Midnight!

After the twelve strokes of midnight, the celebration of Christmas begins with this magnificent carol: “The divine child is born, let us all sing of His coming”. “It is for

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RORATE Masses: cruising speed!

On December 18 and 19, the first two “RORATE” masses were celebrated, with almost 70 faithful present at 6:30 am. By candlelight, with hymns, in the awakening of the approaching

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Votre soutien nous aide à poursuivre les différentes activités de ce lieu de sanctuaire.

Contribution à la Messe

Demandez au Sanctuaire de Sainte Rita une messe pour vos intentions, commémorant l’Eucharistie et la présence du Christ.

Allumer un cierge

Des cierges brûlent sans cesse , symbolisant nos prières et remerciements pour que nos vies deviennent lumière.

Intention de prière

Sainte Rita, Saine patronne des causes perdues, accueille vos intentions et remerciements, et que la charité fraternelle renforce notre prière.