Spiritual guidance

Oblates and the faithful alike know that the spiritual life is an extraordinary adventure which, according to the call of some and the search of others, implies being accompanied in order to better grasp the inner nuances of this “path to God”. In our chapel, they can find priests, religious and sometimes even lay people, who are able to help them as brothers, witnesses to a life that gives itself.
The ultimate goal is to walk the path while discerning in order to understand God’s language, how he speaks to us, but also to understand the dynamism found therein while seeing the possibilities of the spiritual warfare inherent in inner growth in God.
- P. François LAPOINTE OMV
Soutenez votre sanctuaire
Votre soutien nous aide à poursuivre les différentes activités de ce lieu de sanctuaire.
Contribution à la Messe
Demandez au Sanctuaire de Sainte Rita une messe pour vos intentions, commémorant l’Eucharistie et la présence du Christ.
Allumer un cierge
Des cierges brûlent sans cesse , symbolisant nos prières et remerciements pour que nos vies deviennent lumière.
Intention de prière
Sainte Rita, Saine patronne des causes perdues, accueille vos intentions et remerciements, et que la charité fraternelle renforce notre prière.