The Sanctuary today
Mgr Matthieu ROUGE, Bishop of Nanterre wrote the following in his pastoral letter of June 01, 2020: “We need to go ever further in spiritual proposals and formation with a view to mission and creative involvement in the city”.. But he added that he hoped sanctuaries, like oases spiritual oases, “gain in visibility and influencein order to respond ever more and ever better “to the spiritual healing and consolation needs of many of our brothers and sisters..
The mission of our shrine chapel is clear and in keeping with the charism of our community, the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. We could say that we also make our own the orientation given by John Paul II to the rectors of shrines in 1981:
” May the whole life of sanctuaries promote personal and community prayer, joy and recollection, listening to and meditating on the Word of God, the truly worthy celebration of the Eucharist and the personal reception of the sacrament of Reconciliation, fraternity between people meeting for the first time, concern for helping poor regions and poor Churches with their offerings, participation in the life of parishes and dioceses “.
John Paul II
Let’s not forget that Christian shrines are signs of God, of his irruption into human history. Each is a memorial to the Mystery of the Incarnation and Redemption. By visiting a shrine, the faithful constantly rediscover the story of God’s love for every human being and for all humanity. We also know that, despite the secularization of our societies, shrines are called upon to be “spiritual high places”, all the more so if they speak to the minds and hearts of people, believers and non-believers alike, who all feel “the asphyxia of a society closed in on itself and sometimes in despair” (J-P II). (J-P II).
Come to the chapel, to the sanctuary
Every day, our priority is to welcome the faithful and pilgrims who come alone or in groups.
An Oblate priest is available for confessions and spiritual guidance, before and after Masses, with a presence from 3pm onwards. Don't hesitate, because, as a Canadian cardinal once said:
"The confessional is not short of confessors, but of penitents.
We also have a number of lay collaborators who can help you, as in the case of the "brothers' prayer", the guided tour of our sanctuary, the opening and servicing of our store, or refer you in one way or another, and so on.
Our desire to serve you is to allow the growth of all according to the optics contained in this magnificent writing of St-Paul :
“Let Christ dwell in your hearts through faith;
remain rooted in love, established in love.”
(Ephesians 3:17).
A pastoral team at the service of all
The shrine's rector

Father François LAPOINTE omv
Father François Lapointe omv was born in 1963 in the Mauricie region of Canada, in Grand-Mère, near the city of Trois-Rivières in south-central Quebec. He has been a priest since 1992 and a member of the Institute of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (omv) since 1985.
He holds a degree in nursing from CEGEP Ste-Foy, near Quebec City (1984); a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the Pontifical Angelicum University in Rome (1987); a bachelor’s degree in theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome (1991); and a master’s degree from the Université de Montréal in pastoral theology, practical section, with a thesis on the socio-religious profiles of young adults.
He has coordinated and supervised five experiences of missionary awareness and cooperation in Brazil, in the phases of formation, realization and integration on return (1994-1995-1996-1998-2007). He founded a youth movement, “Solidarité-Jeunesse”, which brings together young adults aged 17 to 30.
After serving as parish vicar (1993-1995) and member of the diocesan youth office (1992-1997), he was coordinator of youth ministry for a pastoral sector of the Montreal diocese (1998-2001). He also coordinated a special committee, the Comité des Aménagements Pastoraux, for the same sector, to bring about a redefinition of the Church’s mission and a restructuring of parish services and places of worship (1997-2000).
He accompanies various Christian journey groups and works with many couples, including former students. His charisma is much appreciated.
Today, he continues in his various roles, while since 2022 he has been serving his religious community internationally as “General Councillor” and “General Bursar”. He is also confessor at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
Father François is known for his open and warm personality, his optimism and humor, his simplicity and his organizational skills. Observant and discreet, he quickly gets to know his interlocutor and knows how to be a faithful and dynamic ally. His human and Christian knowledge makes him a thinker and advisor who cares about the integral growth of all.
The chaplains

Father Yves MORIN omv
Originally from Quebec, Canada, Father Yves joined the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in 1978. He studied philosophy and theology in Rome, and was ordained a priest in St. Peter’s Basilica by Pope John Paul II on June 2, 1985. His first pastoral experiences were with the Nice community, before he came to Fontenay aux Roses to take over from Father Richiardone, founder of the work there.

Father Guillaume CHARBONNEAU omv
Father Guillaume hails from Nice, in the south of France, on the shores of the Mediterranean, where he lived until he entered the seminary. He is the youngest of 5 children.
His school career took him to the general BAC (A-levels) before he went on to do a BTS in Banking. Parallel to his studies, he had at heart the incessant call to become a religious and priest with the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV). He discerned and was accompanied by a priest as he drew closer to God. He is “seduced” and fascinated by the Word of God, the friendship of Christ, the beauty of the Church.
In 2015, he entered the seminary of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in Rome, to begin his formation as a religious and priest. It was in the same city that he earned a three-year degree in philosophy, after which he left for Pignerol to complete his novitiate year. He returned to Rome to begin his theology studies, before returning to France to complete them at the Jesuit Centre Sèvres in Paris.
He made his perpetual profession on November 1, 2022 at the chapel-sanctuary of Sainte-Rita, and was ordained a deacon on December 7, 2022 in Nice. He was ordained priest on October 8, 2023 at the Sainte-Rita chapel-sanctuary in Fontenay-aux-Roses, where he has been ministering ever since.
Lay people

Brother Francesco Maria LOO omv
An Oblate religious since he made his religious profession, according to the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, he shares with all his religious brothers the community life and contemporary challenges of announcing the Good News of Christ forever alive. He transmits the life of the Spirit according to the charism of the heirs to the charism of their Founder, the venerable Father Pio Bruno Lanteri.
Brother Francesco’s life can be summed up as follows: he was born in Malaysia before immigrating to Italy in the early ’80s. He underwent a profound conversion and was baptized as an adult, before joining the O.M.V. He pursued the stages of formation in Rome and Fontenay-aux-Roses: postulancy, novitiate, temporary and perpetual vows. He spent long periods of time in Italy and France, taking on a wide range of activities in the service of the common good.

Sanctuary Development Officer
Originally from Normandy and Midi-toulousain on her parents’ side, Emilie was born in Paris, where she grew up and studied. She has been married to Raphaël for 20 years, they have four children aged between 7 and 18 and have lived in Fontenay-aux-Roses for 20 years. They are faithful members of the Saint-Pierre Saint-Paul parish and the Sainte-Rita chapel. Father François baptized three of their children.
Emilie holds a Master’s degree in contemporary history from the Sorbonne, and a DESS (Master’s) in “heritage professions”. She worked for 2 years for Hermès Sellier in the cultural heritage department.
After the birth of her eldest son, Emilie chose to leave her job to look after him, then two daughters were born and for around ten years she was a stay-at-home mom. She has volunteered at her children’s school (A.P.E.L., member of the school council, pastoral animation), at the parish (awakening to the faith, catechism, preparation for First Communion, mass animation) and has completed the initial training cycle for catechists of the Nanterre diocese.
She then worked as a V.D.I. (independent door-to-door salesperson) for 5 years. At the same time, after volunteering at her children’s school, she was hired as a school pastoral animator. Preferring this path, she gave up door-to-door sales and decided to train in this field. In 2021, she obtained the Diplôme Universitaire d’Animateur en Pastorale Scolaire (DU-APS) from the Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP), as well as the “Chargée de mission pastorale” certification (R.N.C.P. title), after which she continued her training at the Institut Supérieur de Sciences Religieuses (IER), where she obtained the Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Religieuses. She is continuing her training with a view to acquiring the Canonical Baccalaureate in Religious Sciences.
Since her youth, Émilie has been involved in a number of voluntary youth movements: L’Eau Vive and the Association des Guides et Scouts d’Europe (A.G.S.E.). As spouses, to bear witness to the vocation of marriage, she and her husband were involved from 2013 to 2019 in the vocations service team of the Nanterre diocese (of which Father François was also a member). Since 2018, they have been very involved in scouting, and more particularly in the Guides et Scouts d’Europe association, in which they have chosen to give service.
Émilie has joined the Oblates of the Virgin Mary to help with the shrine’s development, animation and challenges. She will oversee the activities of the Boutique as well as pilgrimages.
Soutenez votre sanctuaire
Votre soutien nous aide à poursuivre les différentes activités de ce lieu de sanctuaire.
Contribution à la Messe
Demandez au Sanctuaire de Sainte Rita une messe pour vos intentions, commémorant l’Eucharistie et la présence du Christ.
Allumer un cierge
Des cierges brûlent sans cesse , symbolisant nos prières et remerciements pour que nos vies deviennent lumière.
Intention de prière
Sainte Rita, Saine patronne des causes perdues, accueille vos intentions et remerciements, et que la charité fraternelle renforce notre prière.